Have you heard of the KISS principle? It is an acronym for the design principle, “Keep It Simple, Stupid”. It states that most systems work best if they are kept simple, so the people designing them should have simplicity as their end goal and avoid complications as far as possible.

Some of the world’s greatest thinkers agree with this concept too. Leonardo da Vinci was quoted saying that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, while Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, author of The Little Prince, once said that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.












In IT, this principle couldn’t be more important. By keeping your computer systems simple, you are minimising the possibility of running into future problems. More importantly, technology becomes more user-friendly when the simplicity of its design is reflected externally as well.

Unfortunately, not all tech companies understand this. As a result, their users experience frustration when they have to go through a lot of steps to get a basic thing done. If you have ever gotten frustrated at  IT support or an IT tool that you are using, it is usually because they are complicating things for the user.


When that happens, do yourself a favour and look for alternatives. Preferably, go with a company or brand that keeps things as simple as possible for their users.


Nora Fong

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