Image credit: Canadian Business
Image credit: Canadian Business


Taking frequent breaks at work is often frowned upon as it is seen as a poor reflection on the employee’s productivity. After all, how can he get anything done if he is always slacking off?

As it turns out, you can get more done if you allow yourself (or your employees) to go for a few more coffee breaks per day. According to this article from The Muse, the most productive employees follow the rule of 52 and 17. Meaning, they work for 52 minutes at a time, then break for 17 minutes before getting back to work again.

But here’s the catch: if you want to be truly productive, you have to focus on your work and nothing but your work during that 52-minute period. Likewise, when it’s time for your 17-minute break, it is best if you can get away from your desk and computer, avoiding anything work-related entirely.

For those of you with workaholic tendencies, here’s another reason why you should give yourself a break – working for long hours can actually affect the quality of your output. A study has found that the amount of attention paid decreases with an increase in the time spent on a task. So don’t feel guilty about taking a break every now and then, because it can actually help to improve the quality of your work!

As an employee, you might be hesitant to take frequent breaks because it might seem to your employer that you’re not working hard enough. But really, just because you’re devoting 100% of your time to work doesn’t equate to being productive. And you can be sure that your employer will certainly be more appreciative of someone who not just only works hard, but works smart as well.

Looking for ways to up your productivity? You might want to read up on the 7 tools to improve your productivity.
Or Read up on how to have a productive rest day.


Nora Fong

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