Service & Expertise
Data Replication
We’ve got your back.
Our Data Replication solution is a robust solution for server replication and failover purposes. With this, a software will be installed to backup your data based on an arranged schedule. At the same time, we will only retain the latest data to help you minimise space.
Archival Backups
Work with a peace of mind.
This solution diers from our Data Replication solution as it will retain and archive various backed up copies, allowing you to track your changes. With this solution, you will have the exibility of accessing and restoring a wide range of archived files.
Onsite/Offsite Solutions
Tell us how you want it.
While an onsite server is able to secure your data backups quickly and effciently, an offsite server has the additional security of being placed in a different physical location.
Let’s Work Together
Get in touch with us today to speak more about your business IT needs!