Been up all night cheering your favourite team on? We understand. After all, the World Cup only happens once every four years. But the sad truth is that there are no special off days just for the World Cup season, and sicks days are limited. So here’s some tips on how you can still turn up for work the next morning without looking like death.

1) Coffee, coffee, coffee


It might be tempting to just down a Venti-sized Starbucks at the beginning of your work day, but the caffeine spike will just cause you to crash a few hours later. Instead, have regular doses of caffeine throughout the day, which will help to sustain your alertness better.

2) Get moving every 30-45mins


Go for a walk around the office, or just stand up to stretch. Little interruptions like these will help to break the monotony and keep you focused.

3) Drink lots of water


Dehydration causes fatigue, so make sure that you get enough fluids throughout the day. The frequent trips to the bathroom will also help to keep you moving!

4) Have light meals and eat often

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Heavy meals will make you feel drowsy. Switch the sugars and carbs for fruits, vegetables and foods that are high in protein. Healthy snacking is also encouraged.

5) Let there be light

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You will find yourself more alert in a brightly-lit environment because your body will assume that the light equates to daytime and you should be awake during the day. Sunlight works best, so if you can, take a short stroll outside the office. If not, make sure that your workspace is nice and bright.

6) Plan a power nap

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Experts say that it is best when a 20-minute power nap is taken anytime between 1pm to 3pm. Just make sure that your boss or supervisor is cool with it first!

7) Stay cool

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The colder the environment, the more awake you will be. If you can’t crank up the air conditioner, look for other ways to cool yourself, such as having your own desk fan or consuming cool drinks.

8) Play upbeat songs

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Songs with a fast tempo will keep your heart rate up, helping you to stay awake. Try creating a playlist or take a quick browse through Spotify. It works best if you plug into your earphones and turn the volume up!
Have other tips on how to stay awake at work during this World Cup season? We would love to hear them in the comments below!


Nora Fong

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